So yesterday Jayla scared the crap out of me....
She has been crawling and pulling herself up on everything now and she has an obsession with the tv stand... The tv is pushed to the back of the tv stand so I'm not afraid of that falling on her but I am afraid of her pulling herself up on the tv stand and then falling. I however cant keep her away because she loves anything that is on the tv so yesterday she did what I had been hoping she never would... She slipped and fell face first into the tv stand and has a huge welt on her head... How do you put ice on a baby's boo boo to make the swelling go down??? Well..... you don't... She wouldnt stay still in order to even work that out... Of course she didnt climb on her walking toy that time, but you never know with this kid of mines
First, Poor Jayla!!
Second, take out your credit card, and buy this two things that will give you a better sleep:
I will be posting then on the thread on June 07 board, in case you cant open the links from here!!!
She is so cute. And hopefully feels better soon after the faling.
This time I can say luckily my LO isn't crawling and can't get into anything yet.
Nicole & Soren from June 07
She is a cutie pie! I have to order all of my babyproofing items soon. Ethan is scooting all over the place.
Oh, I posted to you on the Georgia Snow thread that we are neighbors! Yay to see another Atlantan!
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