Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Jayla and I

So I have been so busy lately with school and with taking care if Jayla that I haven't had the chance to even try to do anything like updating this blog... We haven't forgotten about those of you who read this and comment and I try to stay up to date on everyone's blog, but sometimes it is difficult to type with a little girl who is constantly trying to pull up on me and write everything that has been going on... Jayla is such a independant little girl and she likes to pull pillows off the couch... She also says tank you when you give her something or when she gives you something... She is teething really hard but only has five teeth to account for and we are still working on the sleep training, but I have pulled back on putting her in her crib because she wakes up and then decides to be up for like three hours and I need sleep...

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Sleeping is a virtue that I kinda miss...

This picture was taken shortly after Jayla's first birthday when I was in the process of getting her to sleep in her own crib... And yes she has a hand-me down beanie baby collection that she would hate to not be in the crib with her since she needs to feel something against her to even sleep... I am still in the process of getting her to sleep through the night in her crib... It is definitely a challenge for the both of us because her daddy works nights so its just me by myself... I hate the fact that when I'm too tired I just break down and let her sleep with me in the bed, but I think its because I fall asleep faster than trying to keep her in the crib...
Last night she decided to wake up at 10:30pm and stay up until 2am.... How did she pass the time... By reading to mommy off of Moe's Southwest Grill Menu... It was cute but oh so tiring... I realized then that the virtue of sleep is something I miss when my beautiful daughter doesn't want to sleep and feel that her time is better spent reading me stories... Needless to say we both slept until 11:30am and now I am wondering what the schedule will be like tonight...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Picture of the Week

I think this is the cutest and funniest thing I have ever seen Jayla do... Normally I can't catch pictures of her like this, but this was priceless... Have fun with this one and comment away...

Our Lives This Week

So I am in the process of trying to get Jayla out of our bed and into her crib... I have started the process with naps, but I definitely haven't been keeping that up as much as I would like... So yesterday I am starting the process of having Jayla sleep in the crib until she wakes up and then sleeping with her in the same room (we have an extra bed in her room)... Yesterday she slept in the crib for two hours, but thats a start considering she use to wake up everytime you put her down in the crib... I will continue to do this because I don't want to do the cry it out method... Its simply not something I can do with Jayla or any child for that matter...

Last Friday I watched my nephew... It was definitely a new experience because I'm not use to having two kids here under the age of one... Jayla loves her little cousin, but everytime he cried she cried... It was like she didn't know what to do with him and his crying because she barely cries now... She kept trying to take away his pacifier which was weird because she has never even used a pacifier (not that we didn't try to get her to use one)... It was cute but tiring and I'm glad that I wasn't here alone to take care of them...

Jayla and Christian

My beautiful nephew, Christian