Jayla and I

So I have been so busy lately with school and with taking care if Jayla that I haven't had the chance to even try to do anything like updating this blog... We haven't forgotten about those of you who read this and comment and I try to stay up to date on everyone's blog, but sometimes it is difficult to type with a little girl who is constantly trying to pull up on me and write everything that has been going on... Jayla is such a independant little girl and she likes to pull pillows off the couch... She also says tank you when you give her something or when she gives you something... She is teething really hard but only has five teeth to account for and we are still working on the sleep training, but I have pulled back on putting her in her crib because she wakes up and then decides to be up for like three hours and I need sleep...
What a great picture! You two are beautiful!
Glad you posted the address to BBC. Great blog.
Someone is looking a lot like her mommy! It is amazing how fast they are learning stuff right now!
Whoa, it has been a long time since you have posted!! I know it is hard to keep up with though! That is such a sweet picture of you two and the picture of her asleep is the cutest ever!!
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