Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bubble Fun

Jayla really loves bubbles... So much in fact that you can't blow them fast enough... So we bought her a bubble gun and everytime that she hears it working the bubble solution through the straw so that bubbles can come out she gets super excited... She loves to just put her hands up and try to catch them... Its really cute...

Popping the bubbles that land on the ground

Running to the bubbles

Such a beautiful smile


The Garske's said...

So cute!! Madisynn loves her bubble gun too!! Glad you are back to posting!

EthansMommy said...

When I saw your comment on my blog, I figured you were back to blogging. I am glad you are! It is good to know what my "neighbor" has been up to! She looks adorable in the pictures! I haven't been to the World of Coke in 10 years. I need to go!

Bridget said...

What a beautiful little girl!! She is so flippin cute with those bubbles!

3LittleFlowers said...

Yaay!! You are back!!!

What's up with kids and bubbles?? My girls ALL love bubbles!! It's amazing!!!