A little over a week ago my baby girl turned one years old... It was a milestone in life that didn't affect her in any particular way, but overjoyed me so much... She had officially been on this Earth for a whole year and we had our ups and downs but not one second would I trade in any of the time that we spent together...
On May 21st 2007 at around 12:30am I was sitting watching tv eating my usual late night bowl of cereal... I felt something strange and something told me to get off of the bed... As soon as I got up my water broke... It was a huge gush of warm liquid that no matter the amount of squeezing I couldn't get it to stop... I went to the bathroom to make sure it was what I really thought it was... I went to the hospital that Saturday due to the fact that I thought my water had been leaking and was sent home with the same old same old that I was fine... Anyway after getting the carpet wet and noticing that it was indeed clear fluid I tried calling Brett because he worked nights... His phone kept going to voicemail so I called his supervisor... Luckily Brett was walking past him at the time so he quickly gave the phone to him...
Brett asked me several times was I sure that my water had broken since we had gone to the hospital about four times prior to this moment... I was pretty sure since everytime I stood up a gush of liquid would come flooding down my legs... So he said he would come right home and take us to the hospital... When he came in the house and noticed all of the wet spots on the floor he was sure that I knew what I was talking about... He changed clothes and we left for the hospital.. The entire time I never felt a contraction or anything... We got to the hospital and the nurses remember me from that Saturday night... They asked me what did I feel when my water broke and I said a huge gush... The nurse who took me to my room didn't even check to see when I left a wet spot on the floor to go change into my hospital gown... I was then hooked up to the monitors to see if I was having contractions which I wasn't and then told that they would start the pitocin...
I was on pitocin for the entire laboring time which was about eighteen hours... Jayla's heart rate dropped after each contract and they put me on oxygen and kept flipping me over on my sides to try to get her heart rate steady... They also put an internal monitor on her head.. They were kinda worried because I wasn't progressing past 4cm... At about 5:30pm the doctor came in and told me that they were probably gonna do a c-section... At that point I already had an epidural and justed wanted my baby girl to be healthy and safe so I told them to go ahead with the c-section...
Jayla Marie Boston was born on May 21, 2007 at 6:18pm... She weighed 6lbs 2ozs and was 18 and a half inches long... She was so little compared to what she is now... She now weighs 20lbs 14ozs and is 29 and a half inches long... Wow how the times fly... My baby girl is no longer a baby... She's been walking for a good three months and she looks so much like a little girl and less like a baby...
Birthday pics are coming soon
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Bubble Fun
Jayla really loves bubbles... So much in fact that you can't blow them fast enough... So we bought her a bubble gun and everytime that she hears it working the bubble solution through the straw so that bubbles can come out she gets super excited... She loves to just put her hands up and try to catch them... Its really cute...
Popping the bubbles that land on the ground

Such a beautiful smile
Our Visit To World of Coke
Over the weekend we took Jayla to the World of Coke for the first time... Although she wasn't able to test all the different types of sodas she did enjoy herself... The movie that they show in the beginning she liked, but she hated the fact that it was so loud and dark and she was crowded around a bunch of people... She did good for her first time though and I like the fact that we were able to adventure somewhere as a family...
Jayla and her daddy
A family pic

Jayla stuffing her face during the testing of cokes
Monday, May 19, 2008
Its been awhile....
So i know that i have completely neglected this blog, but i promise that i will try to update it today when i get home from school or tonight... i've been pretty busy trying to get jayla's first birthday in order that i don't really have the time to just sit down and type updates, but i promise that new updates are on the way!!!!
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