So its been official for about two weeks... There is no way to bring back my little baby girl that use to love being held by her mommy... She has been replaced with a little girl who must explore every single thing in the room and then continue her way down the hallway to explore everything else....
I thought that our house was fairly well baby-proof, but boy was I so wrong because the things that a 28 inch baby can reach when standing up on their tippy toes is far more than I ever thought was possible... She does enjoy pulling things down on the floor for no reason and then see if you notice that it is in her hands... That is her new game of the week...
This is a video of her walking down the hallway of our apartment... We've cleared things out, but yet she always finds something new to get into.... I still must take my little one's 9 month pics but I have yet to do it... So busy doing everything else....
This is a picture of Jayla and her twin... She is such a Daddy's Girl!!!!